Friday 28 June 2024

Shraddha Kapoor's Sridevi linked films all.... shelved?!


Shraddha Kapoor to play Bollywood's new-age naagin: Sridevi comparison began almost immediately two years ago when the film was announced and she tweeted (below). This apparent trilogy (btw did you know Nagina was a trilogy? Nagina, Nigahein: Naagina Part 2, and Nagme - which never got made as Nigahein wasn't a blockbuster) seems to be on hold as its been years with no news...   

She's attached to yet another Sridevi related project, Chaalbaaz in London (which we have a feeling is shelved as well), which also seems to be going nowhere fast. 

Young Shraddha's been a superfan for a while (scroll back) and there are clips on YouTube when she's fanned out on Sri, but these classic remakes are a bad, bad idea. Himmatwala remake was a disaster, Sridevi's songs re-done have never had the original charm or grace, let's just leave classics alone... 


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