We created this blog as an image and news archive on all matters related to Sridevi for fans around the world. In less than a year, we are thrilled to see that over 250,000 views have hit our blog. Thank you all.
We pray that past, current and future generation of Bollywood watchers can see and recognise that Sridevi was/is not only the hardest working actress of all time, but possibly its greatest ever. Her vast repertoire of films, her versatility as a performer, her magnificence as a dancer, her elusive grace, her charms and beauty are unlike any other Indian celebrity in the history of Indian - not just Hindi - cinema.
Sadly, due to her limited interactions with the media and an aversion to interviews, there's not enough recognition or rewards (or awards!) handed out to Sridevi. Unlike her other contemporaries, Sridevi was never media savvy, there haven't been an endless series of photo-sessions, no juicy interviews, no pampering of the press as Sridevi has kept the tabloids at arms length. (For good reason!)
All this of course has just made her audiences crave her more. The thrill of seeing a rare photograph, the joy of seeing her on screen as a star of mighty proportions, her elusive nature adding more to her myth and legend.
If the facebook fanclub or the notes we get from around the world have proved anything, Sridevi's fan base has not been limited to India. We've received word from Estonia, Spain, Finland, many countries in the middle-East, Malaysia, Indonesia, the US, UK, Canada, Japan (there was a fabulous Sridevi site run by her Japanese fans on geocities), Uzbekistan, Russia and more.
Language no bounds, gender, sexuality nor age bound, religion no bound, region no bound, Sridevi's fate as an iconic Indian actress has been set; she will live on forever as one of Indian cinema's most illustrious and luminous stars.
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