To douse the gossip that were floating about, Jeetendra did a photo-shoot in his house, for Cine Blitz magazine with his off-screen partner and on-screen; wife Shobhaa Kapoor and actress Sridevi.
The troubles began harmlessly enough. Jeetendra was so effusive in his compliments of Sridevi that people started suspecting rubbish. None of it was true. Shobhaa Kapoor then and even now, says Sridevi is a wonderful person and laid rumours to rest. Sridevi said her only friends in the Hindi film industry were Jeetendra and wife Shobhaa and she was infuriated by the unnecessary and torrid speculation.
Also need to note, Jeetendra's eldest daughter, now television and film producer, Ekta Kapoor, was/is a massive Sridevi fan. She famously told a magazine editor that once, someone in her school bitched up to her and said, 'So your father's having an affair with Sridevi!' Ekta Kapoor, a legendary spitfire, shot back, 'Yeah, my father is. Your father can only dream about it.'
Bless her.
The troubles began harmlessly enough. Jeetendra was so effusive in his compliments of Sridevi that people started suspecting rubbish. None of it was true. Shobhaa Kapoor then and even now, says Sridevi is a wonderful person and laid rumours to rest. Sridevi said her only friends in the Hindi film industry were Jeetendra and wife Shobhaa and she was infuriated by the unnecessary and torrid speculation.
Also need to note, Jeetendra's eldest daughter, now television and film producer, Ekta Kapoor, was/is a massive Sridevi fan. She famously told a magazine editor that once, someone in her school bitched up to her and said, 'So your father's having an affair with Sridevi!' Ekta Kapoor, a legendary spitfire, shot back, 'Yeah, my father is. Your father can only dream about it.'
Bless her.
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