Friday 28 June 2019

Sridevi as a child artist

Sridevi as a child artist.

Above: Sridevi as a baby, and Sridevi as a teen. There are two images in particular floating around the internet where people state it is 'Sridevi'. And its not. 'Sridevi' is a common name in South India - and dare-I-say after the emergence of superstar Sridevi, a common name all over. In the early days of the internet when people started posting pictures of their daughter named 'Sridevi', people just gravitated towards the pic saying it's young Sri. In some cases you can understand as there's a similarity... in other cases, you'd have to be blind and a non-Sri fan! We have archived every image of Sridevi as a child on this site. If its not here - it ain't Sri! mkay?!

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