Saturday 16 April 2022

Sridevi and Anil Kapoor in the grand fiasco: Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja (1993)

Sridevi and Anil Kapoor in the grand fiasco: Roop Ki Rani Choron Ka Raja (1993). 

Released 29 years ago on 16 April 1993, it was not only the biggest film of it time, it was the most written about debacle too. There have been since then more expensive film and greater flops but there was a bizarre glee in writing about its failure in the tabloids back in the day. A strange animosity that we still can't explain... There's a weirdly hostile press conference with the Kapoor and Mumbai's press that you can find on YouTube. There's endless press about the film - many of which we've archived here.

Personally, on recent viewing, have to state that we ended up liking parts of the movie a lot. Sridevi's song and dance routines are epic, and her comedy is superb. There's a train action scene that's excellent. Unfortunately, the film is riddled with clichés; if you haven't seen a Hindi film, after watching this, you'll feel you've seen every Hindi film of the 80s lumped together.  

There's something to be said for the magic of Sridevi that she stands out till date. 

Much more in the archives about the film (and 100s of pics) in the archive here.

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