Back in 1984, in the film Naya Kadam, Sridevi acted with (a much older) co-star Rajesh Khanna. Near the end of the film, Sri had to enact the role of a woman in her 50s. At the time, Sridevi was just 20 or perhaps 21. To age her, the makeup artist grayed her hair, bespectacled her face, slipped her into a somber sari and muted down shades of her make-up for that mature look.
Fast-forward to today, when Sridevi is nearly 50, and quite frankly, looks nothing like her alter ego on screen. Slim and trim, gorgeous as ever, perhaps even more beautiful than ever, Sridevi’s countenance has a patina of confidence that the star in her youthful days didn’t boast of.
Idiva.com recently posted this about Sridevi:
“The veteran actress is so well maintained and with it, we have to tip our hats off to her for being undiminishing in her style. We adore Sridevi’s looks on the red carpet and at any occasion we get so lucky to spot her at. She is truly an iconic figure for youngsters who seem to lose track of their personal image these days.
Well of course, as her fanclub, we couldn’t agree more. For versatile Sridevi, we’re forced to quote Shakespeare,
“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety…”
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