Sunday, 10 May 2020

Star & Style: Rekha dubs for Sridevi

Star & Style: Rekha dubs for Sridevi!

So the title reads. As Sridevi wasn't proficient in Hindi, she often had other voice recording artists (such as Naaz) dub for her. For the film Aakhri Raasta in 1986, Rekha did the deed.

At the time, Rekha was a huge star in her own right - and for Re' to dub for Sri was a headline-worthy moment as both were contemporaries. Both remained good friends... till the very end.

UPDATE: Sridevi on the cover of the Hindi tabloid Film City.

Rekha Dubs for Sridevi

Never before in the history of cinema has it transpired that one top star has dubbed for another until Rekha lent her voice to Sridevi. This well kept secret was out in the open for everyone to know the minute Sridevi mouthed her lines in the film...

There is a big board with a "NO ENTRY" sign prominently displayed. Completely ignoring its existence, Sridevi whizzes past the sign board riding her Honda. A policeman emerges from somewhere, blows his whistle and commands her to stop. He pulls out his notebook to write down her name. "My name is Vinita, I am the daughter of the D.I.G. of Police," says Sridevi. The film is Aakhree Raasta, Sridevi's latest release opposite Amitabh Bachchan.

There is nothing extraordinary about the above mentioned scene, but what is intriguing is Sridevi's voice. The minute she opened her mouth to utter the dialogue, we sat up alert, not only because she speaks her lines, in flawless Hindi minus the... 

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