Saturday 6 May 2023

Throwback Q&A with the Queen... of Bollywood: Sridevi's interview with Filmfare back in the summer of '85


Turning back the clock to May 1985, Sridevi had already been declared as the Number One actress of her time the year before. She posed for Gautam Rajadhyaksha and did this short interview on the sets of a film. 


The Empress

Sridevi's first foray into Hindi movies was a disaster. But when she came back again, it was to tumultuous applause. We were the first to announce her reign about  a year back: as queen ofthe marquee. Today, that reign continues. Uninterrupted; undisputed. Sridevi remains exactly where she was a year back; at the top.

This is not easy in an industry under siege today. Where every infallible totem has hit the dust, as rampant video piracy and booming television have wooed audiences back into their living rooms and the cinema halls are going empty. Amidst the ruins of the industry lie only a few success stories. And Sridevi's is one of them. 

How long will she reign? Who are her competitors? Where does she see her future taking her? Gautam Rajadhyaksha talks to the elusive star. 

Filmfare: Because of your power over the audience, will you stick only to popular films? Will you do serious roles to deepen the scope of your popularity?
Sridevi: Hindi audiences still think I am good only for the Himmatwala kind of roles-nakhras and sexy dances. I've had a better chance to show my versatility in the South. I've done a large variety of roles there. My two different kinds of films - Sadma and Jaag Utha Insaan-didn't do well. If they had been hits, I would have been offered many serious films. I am not too happy doing the same kind of films. I hold my first hit responsible for the image I am stuck with. And I don't want to be just another South Indian dancer either who just came and went. 

If I want people to remember me, I will have to prove that I can do everything. There are plans in the making but nothing has yet been finalised... so I can't tell you. I want to play difficult characters, where I have to think, work hard. Comedy roles too. They are very difficult.

Filmfare: Probably it's also to do with the star and actress syndrome. To which of thrse two categories do you think you belong?
I really believe that if you're not an actress and become an overnight star, you disappear just as fast. An artiste should become a star after she is a good actress, if not an excellent one. Today, people think I am only a star but what they don't know is that it's not the glamour and my dancing that have got me where I am. I've been considered a fairly good actress for years in regional films. For the public, a successful artiste must be a star and an actress with glamour and talent. If the combination is not right, the artiste is not complete. Meena Kumari, Madhubala, Nargis are still remembered today because they were both. Rekha is loved because she acts well and looks' stunning. Of course, I've got to be both. 

Filmfare: You said you blame your image but aren't you partly responsible for it because of the bare-all, dare-all clothes you wear? Aren't you worried that though people may like to see you in these clothes', they may not respect you?
I am tired of wearing skimpy clothes. I don't wear them in real life and I don't enjoy them. In the beginning, I was convinced that glamour was just sexy clothes' as far as the audience is concerned. But now I'm going to cut that out. The public may like to see me in sexy clothes, but their impression of me is as I appear on the screen. If a scène genuinely needs it, I may wear them. But not because I am compulsorily supposed to wear them in every film.

Filmfare: With such a busy schedule, do you get time for yourself? Don't you long for a holiday?
A holiday? It's like a dream. I can't even think about it. This is my peak period. All of a sudden, I am in a position where a lot is expected of me. This is not the time for me to think of holidays. It's a sacrifice, but there is so much to gain. 

Filmfare: Alright, fantasize then! If you did have a holiday, what would you do?
What would I do? I've seen a lot of films, read books and I'd like to see the world. I'd like to see plays on Broadway. I'm told there are so many kinds of plays there. I'd like to know more about that. I'd like to visit art galleries and see paintings. I've heard a little western classical music. I'd like to know a little about that too. Last year, when Zubin Mehta was here. I was very keen to attend his concert. 

Listen, I don't know anything, but I'd like to know. And I believe whatever an actress is exposed to and learns, is never wasted.

Filmfare: On off days and Sundays, what do you do?
I never go to a restaurant or a movie. I am at home with my family. They are my greatest strength. I don't need any one else. I have very good parents. They are not greedy. They don't talk of signing more films, fees. They talk of my marriage, when I will settle down. My sister Latha is my closest friend and my aunt understands me very well. 

I am a very happy person. They only thing that makes me feel dissatisfied is that I'm not doing really good roles. I came to Hindi films because of all the thinking they do and the trouble they take. But I haven't got one good role. 

Filmfare: For that you may have to try serious cinema. I don't know what you mean by good roles. Whose films? Shan Benegal? Mahesh Bhatt - would you do them? 
Oh I'd love to do them. Yes I will do an art film if the role is challenging, where I have to study and prepare. But will anyone take me?

I doubt it. Your image, your star status, will unnerve them. And your price too. Will you compromise on that score?
Definitively. I will certainly cut my price for a good acting role. Because only these films will be remembered. Like Sadma. Even if it was a flop, I'm proud of it. I can show it to my children. Did you know I almost couldn't do Sadma?

Himmatwala was a big hit and Balu Mahendra offered me Sadma. I was shocked because the character in Himmatwala was so different form the one in Sadma. I was so exicted but we had date problems. Until, with great difficulty, we managed.

Talking of your debut, your Solva Saawan was a flop. Did you feel your dreams shatter then?
No, I didn't. I was too busy with Tamil and Telugu films to think of one fop,. And actually my re-entry was accidental. Padmalaya had my dates for a Telugu film. It got cancelled and they did Himmatwala, directed by Raghavendra Rao. And it succeeded. It all just happened. I didn't work for it.

So would you consider your success as luck or attribute it to your ambition?
I am not at all ambitious. I work hard, but that's my nature. The only thing important is that while I'm in films, I want to do good films. But I'm very lucky. There are so many talented and beautiful girls who don't get the opportunity. When people come to meet me, when children come to me-they are my biggest fans-it makes me happy. I am very lucky.

If you are not ambitious, your fees are allegedly very high. Do you deserve the amount you demand and get?
Let all the people who sign me answer that question. There are producers who come and sign me for my fee. It's not for me to say if I deserve to ask them.

More images from this Filmfare cover shoot in the archive here and here.

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